Death Rate is the actual rate of death where Crude Death Rate is a guess on the death rate.
mortality rate - death rate
birth rate - 295 death rate - 876 rg
the death rate was 8eas
If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population increases. If the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population decreases.
Economic loses due to death of the animals - increase of mortality rate , decrease of products , and poor growth of animals
Death Rate is the actual rate of death where Crude Death Rate is a guess on the death rate.
When all of the animals in the biome are re populating and the population's birth/death rate will improve.
mortality rate - death rate
the birth rate is 65% and death rate is 35%
birth rate - 295 death rate - 876 rg
The birth rate is the rate of people that have be born and the death rate is the rate of the people who have died.
birth rate greater than death rate
The death rate in England is 100%.
The death rate of Brazil is 6
the death rate was 8eas
Birth rate, Death rate, Immigration, Emigration, geographic distribution, population density, and growth rate. It can also mean what is something that if you saw on a test you would think of population like a group of animals or a group of plants (is describing population).