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It is one of the two equivalent sides on the isosceles triangle.

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Q: What is the definition of leg of an isosceles triangle?
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When can the leg of an isosceles triangle be used as the height of the triangle?

Yes if the isosceles triangle is a right isosceles triangle because that leg opposite the hypotenuse is the height

What is the a definition and picture of an isosceles trapezoid?

isosceles triangle is a 3-sides triangle

What is the definition for leg of a triangle?

There is no formal definition: it is any side of a triangle. Often, if the triangle has a horizontal base, then it is one of the sloped sides. In a right angled triangle, it is one of sides adjacent to the right angle. In an isosceles triangle, it is one of the equal sides.

Who is the inventor of isosceles triangle?

The isosceles triangle wasn't invented. The word isosceles is from Late Latin and from Greek isoskelēs, from iso- + skelos leg.

Why is isosceles triangle?

The word "isosceles" comes from Greek roots and means "equal leg." An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length.

What is the leg of an isosceles triangle?

Either of the two congruent sides of an isosceles triangle. See attached link for a picture.

What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?

What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?

True or false An isosceles triangle can be scalene?

Absolutely false. A scalene triangle by definition has no side equal to another. An isosceles triangle by definition has two equal sides.

The side of an isosceles triangle that is not a leg is called?

The base.

If it is an equilateral triangle then it is an isosceles triangle?

Let us recall the definition of an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two equal or congruent sides. In this definition, it is not stated that it has exactly two equal sides. An equilateral triangle has three equal or congruent sides. If it has three equal sides, then it must have two equal sides. Therefore, an equilateral triangle is considered as an isosceles triangle. But, an isosceles triangle is not necessarily an equilateral triangle.

Can an isoceles triangle ever be scalene?

No. An isosceles triangle has, by definition, two sides of equal length. A scalene triangle has, by definition, no sides of equal length. So, by definition (and the fact that 0 is not 2), an isosceles triangle cannot be scalene.

If the base of an isosceles triangle is 11 and the perimeter is 39 what is the length of a leg?

If the base of an isosceles triangle is 11 and its perimeter is 39, then it has a height of 12.87.