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A global minimum is a point where the function has its lowest value - nowhere else does the function have a lower value.

A local minimum is a point where the function has its lowest value for a certain surrounding - no nearby points have a lower value.

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Q: What is the definition of the Minimum of a function in Alegbra?
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How do you find the minimum or maximum of a function?

By taking the derivative of the function. At the maximum or minimum of a function, the derivative is zero, or doesn't exist. And end-point of the domain where the function is defined may also be a maximum or minimum.

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The minimum is the vertex which in this case is 0,0 or the origin. There isn't a maximum.....

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You cannot. The function f(x) = x2 + 1 has no real zeros. But it does have a minimum.

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The word "def", short for definition starts a function.

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That is the definition of a function.

Why is every function a relation?

That is part of the definition of a function.

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Alegbra in wat sense?? coz alegbra n fashion are wide concepts in r u referring the formulae part or d analytical part, etc..??