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AN hardware is 1/16" per digit, so AN4 is 1/4", AN6 is 3/8", AN8 is 1/2" and AN12 is 3/4" or 12/16"

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Q: What is the diameter of the AN 12 bolt?
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An automotive bolt has a designation of 12-13 unc auto technician a says the bolt is a coarse thread bolt auto technician b says the bolt has a diameter of 13millimeters which of the statements is co?

The first technician is correct, it is a coarse thread. I'm not sure there is a bolt called 12-13 so I am assuming you meant 1/2 - 13. Wich would be a bolt 1/2 inches long. The diameter of a #13 unc bolt would be ( 13 x .013in ) + .06 = .229 inches in diameter.

What do you mean by gross diameter of bolt?

This would be concidered the largest diameter,dimension of a bolt.

What is the standard diameter of an M3 bolt?

The standard diameter of an M3 bolt is 3 millimeters.

What is the standard diameter of an M4 bolt?

The standard diameter of an M4 bolt is 4 millimeters.

What is the nominal diameter of a bolt and how is it determined?

The nominal diameter of a bolt is the approximate size of the bolt shaft. It is determined by measuring the diameter of the threaded portion of the bolt shaft, excluding the threads. This measurement is standardized based on the bolt's size and type.

What does the grade 8.8 bolt identification refer to?

he diameter of the bolt.

Stress on minor diameter of bolt when bolt is subjected to longitudinal force?

The stress on a bolt under longitudinal force is the total force on the bolt divided by the stress area. The stress area is a little bigger than the minor diameter area, calculated from the average of the minor diameter and pitch diameter. The total force on the bolt is its torque preload plus the (bolt stiffness/(bolt +member stiffness) x (externally applied load )

How do you measure lug patterns?

On a five bolt pattern measure from outer edge of one bolt then across to the middle of another skipping one bolt hole( not quite the diameter). On six or four bolt patterns measure across from bolt center to bolt center as you would the diameter if it were a circle.

What is m8 on a bolt?

"M8" refers to the diameter of a metric bolt, where "M" stands for metric and "8" represents the diameter in millimeters. This measurement helps in selecting the correct size of nuts or washers to use with the bolt.

What is the standard m5 bolt diameter used in most industrial applications?

The standard m5 bolt diameter used in most industrial applications is 5 millimeters.

What are the dimensions of an M3 bolt?

The dimensions of an M3 bolt are 3mm in diameter and the length varies depending on the specific type of bolt.

What does a bolt's wrench diameter mean?

That refers to the size wrench necessary to tighten or loosen the bolt.