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Both algebra and geometry are in the field of mathematics. Algebra deals with solving numeric equations which often use letters as symbols, while geometry deals with solving physical problems related to shapes (angles and lines of triangles, rectangles, circles, ellipses, etc.)


There is no "difference" because Algebra is the set of symbols, rules and laws in which all mathematical problems are described and solved, be they in geometry or in any other area. Think of an equation as simple as the three basic trigonometrical relationships: Sin A = Op/H, for a right-angled triangle where A is the angle subtended by its Opposite and the Hypotenuse sides. This combines geometry and trigonometry, but is expressed as an algebraic equation, and changing it so you can determine the hypotenuse from A and the Opposite is an algebraic move. (H = SinA/Op). You cannot treat algebra as some sort of independent academic topic, so you cannot make comparisons as the question suggests.

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It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

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The difference between a point and a dot is that a point is used in algebra (in numbers) whereas a dot is used in geometry to define the lenght of a given segment.

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Algebra, normally. Though you may be required to do so in coordinate geometry.

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A harder version of algebra 1

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In many schools, Geometry is considered one grade-level lower than Algebra 2. It goes Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and so on. Note that this is a generalization, and may not be true at your school.