2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.
are all fractions are integers
No difference.
Fractions are not integers. They may or may not be rational numbers.
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
Fractions are integers divided by integers. Percentages are the number of hundredths.
Directed numbers have a positive or negative sign associated with them. (The positive sign may be implied). They can be rational fractions (including mixed numbers) or irrational. Integers cannot be fractions or irrational.
2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.2436 and 1624 are integers, not fractions. And, as integers, they are unequal.
"Regular" fractions have integers for the numerator and denominator. Complex fractions have fractions at one or both of those spots.
are all fractions are integers
Fractions are not integers.
No difference.
Fractions are not integers. They may or may not be rational numbers.
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
the difference between two equal fractions is zero.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! Remember, when comparing fractions, we look at the numerators (the top numbers) first. In this case, 5/16 is smaller than 35/1 because 35 is greater than 5. Just like painting, it's all about perspective and taking your time to see the beauty in each fraction.
No, they are improper fractions. They can be equivalent to integers if the numerator is a multiple of the denominator.