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The distance between these two points is 8.6.

I found this by finding the difference between the two x values and the difference of the two y values. The difference between the x value was found like this: 4- (-3)= 7 and the difference between the y values was found the same way: 1-6=-5.

Now to find the length between the two points, you need to use Pythagorean theorem because a right angle triangle is created with the difference between the two x values and the difference between the two y values. Lets call the length between these two points r. The formula to find r would be r^2= x^2 + y^2.

r^2= (7)^2 + (-5)^2

r^2= 49 + 25

r^2= 74

r= square root of 74


You square root 74 because to get r by itself you have to square root r to get rid of the exponent.

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Q: What is the distance between the points 4 and 1 and -3 and 6?
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