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The domain of y = 2x is [0, +infinity].

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Q: What is the domain of the graph of y equals 2 to the power of x?
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What is the domain of y equals 2 raised to the x power?

(-infinity, infinity)

What is the graph of y equals arctanx?

it is just one tangent interval except sideways from left to right with domain or (-inf,+inf) and the range of (-pi/2,pi/2)

What is the domain of the composite function GFX equals 2-x?

Given the function g(f(x)) = 2-x, you can find the domain as you would with any other function (i.e. it doesn't matter if it's composite). The output, however, has to be a real number. With this function, the domain is all real numbers. If you graph it, you see that the function is defined across the entire graph, wherever you choose to plot it.

What is the domain range and asymptote of gx equals 2 to the power of x minus 3?

The domain is (-infinity, infinity) The range is (-3, infinity) and the asymptote is y = -3

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What will be the perpendicular graph to the graph of 4x-2y equals 1?

Any graph with the slope of -1/2

How can you translate the graph of y equals x to obtain the graph of y equals x-4 plus 2?

y equals x-4 plus 2 is the same as y = x-2. You just translate the graph of y=x, 2 units to the right, OR 2 down.

How do you to sketch a graph of a function whose domain is in the closed interval 0-4 and whose range is the set of two numbers 2 and 3?

Find the domain of the relation then draw the graph.

What describes how to translate the graph of y equals x to obtain the graph of y equals x plus 1 - 2?


Is there a graph of y equals equals 2 tan 2x?

Yes, that is a shifted tanX graph, just as you would shift any graft.

What is the domain and range of y equals the square root of x squared plus 4?

(x^2)^(1/2) equals x, therefore, y = x+4, which has a range and domain of all real numbers. The graph is a straight line, slope of 1, y-intercept of 4. Are you actually saying y = (x^2+4)^(1/2). If so, the range and domain will also be all real numbers because x^2+4 will never result in a negative number.

What are the domain and range of y equals 12?

The domain would be (...-2,-1,0,1,2...); the range: (12)