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If: 4x+3y-5 = 0 then y = -4/3x+5/3

Perpendicular slope: 3/4

Perpendicular equation: y--3 = 3/4(x--2) => 4y+12 = 3x+6 => 4y = 3x-6

In its general form: 3x-4y-6 = 0

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Q: What is the equation in its general form that passes through - 2 -3 and is perpendicular to 4x plus 3y -5 equals 0 showing work?
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What is the equation of the line that passes through the point of 3 -4 and is perpendicular to the line 5x -2y equals 3?

Known equation: 5x -2y=3 => y=5/2x -1.5 Slope of equation: 5/2 Perpendicular slope: -2/5 Perpendicular equation: y--4=-2/5(x-3) => 5y--20=-2x+6 => 5y=-2x-14 Therefore the perpendicular in its general form is: 2x+5y+14 = 0

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