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Q: What is the equation of normal curve?
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Who discovered the equation of the normal curve?

y=ax+b a=5,x=3,b=9

If you are given the equation of an normal sine curve how would you determine its period?

a normal sine curve exists with the formula Asin(Bx+C)+D. The formula to derive a phase shift would be such: 2pi/B (for whatever value B exists at). Thus, for a normal sine curve (sin(x) we would get 2pi/1, and arrive at 2pi for the period.

What is the set of an equation in two variables in the set of all points in a coordinate plane that represent all the solutions of the equation?

To graph the set of all the solutions to an equation in two variables, means to draw a curve on a plane, such that each solution to the equation is a point on the curve, and each point on the curve is a solution to the equation. The simplest curve is a straight line.

Is the standard normal curve non symmetrical?

The standard normal curve is symmetrical.

Normal curve is the meaning of standard normal distribution?

No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

What are the properties of a standard normal curve?

It is a normal curve with mean = 0 and variance = 1.

What is the area under the standard normal curve?

the standard normal curve 2

He area under the standard normal curve is?

The area under the standard normal curve is 1.

What makes ormal curve asymmetrical?

There is no such thing as an "ormal curve". And a Normal curve IS symmetrical!

Can you compare and contrast the skewness and normal curve?

Answer this question...similarities and differences between normal curve and skewness

The area under the normal curve is greatest in which scenario?

The area under the normal curve is ALWAYS 1.

How do you solve a quadratic equation graphically?

The roots of the quadratic equation are the x-intercepts of the curve.