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A marble traveling at 3.0m/s starts to acceleration at 4.5m/s over a distance of 25m. what is the final speed of the marble?

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Q: What is the final speed of the marble at the bottom of the straight ramp and loop ramp?
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A marble dropped from a bridge strikes the water in 5 seconds. What is the speed with which it strikes and the height of the bridge?

Velocity final = vi + at = 49 m/s displacement = vi * t + ½2at² = 122.5 m vi = 0 a ≈ 9.8 t = 5

Why do you have to multiply the average speed of a ball going down a ramp by 2 in order to find its final speed?

The last moment, the speed is the final, the first moment, the speed is zero, average=final /2. For the bit just before the final, and the bit an equal bit just after the start the average is again final/2. For every instant before the final, coupled with the same instant after the start, the average is final/2. So the average for the whole trip is final/2. So to get the final, multiply the average by 2.

Is final velocity equal to speed?

Yea it is.

If a small marble is dropped straight downward what is the initial velocity of the marble?

The initial velocity is zero. In most basic physics problems like this one the initial velocity will be zero as a rule of thumb: the initial velocity is always zero, unless otherwise stated, or this is what you are solving for Cases where the initial velocity is not zero examples a cannon ball is shot out of a cannon at 50 mph a ball is thrown from at a speed of 15 mph etc

Infer the motion of a car whose speed-time graph shows a horizontal line followed by a straight line that slopes downward to the bottom of the graph?

The horizontal line represents that the acceleration is zero or constant speed and the line that slopes downward means that the object is slowing down and it is a negative acceleration.

Related questions

How does the starting height affect the total time the marble rolls?

The starting height of the marble affects its initial speed, which in turn influences the time it takes to reach the bottom. A marble starting from a higher height will have a greater initial speed and reach the bottom faster compared to a marble starting from a lower height.

Is it possible to predict the speed of a marble after rolling down a ramp if you know the height of the ramp?

Yes, it is possible to predict the speed of a marble after rolling down a ramp if you know the height of the ramp. The speed can be calculated using the principles of conservation of energy. By considering the potential energy at the top of the ramp and converting it to kinetic energy at the bottom, the speed can be determined using equations.

How does speed and motion affect a marble?

Speed affects a marble by determining how fast it moves across a surface and how quickly it accelerates or decelerates. Motion affects a marble by influencing its direction and trajectory as it rolls or bounces. Both speed and motion are key factors in determining how a marble will interact with its environment.

How do you measure the speed of a marble?

You can measure the speed of a marble by using a stopwatch to record the time it takes for the marble to travel a known distance. Divide the distance by the time to calculate the speed in units such as meters per second or feet per second. Alternatively, you can use a motion sensor or tracking software to measure the speed of the marble in real time.

Is instantaneous speed final speed?

No instantaneous speed is not final speed.

Does the height of a ramp affect the speed of a marble?

Yes, the height of a ramp can affect the speed of a marble. The higher the ramp, the more potential energy the marble has, which can be converted into kinetic energy as it rolls down the ramp. Therefore, a higher ramp may result in a faster speed for the marble.

Does a different surface affects the marble speed?

Yes, the smoothness of the surface can affect the speed of the marble. A smoother surface will result in less friction, allowing the marble to roll faster. Conversely, a rougher surface will create more resistance and slow the marble down.

It takes 6 seconds for a stone dropped from rest to hit the bottom of a well what is its final speed?

60 m/s

How will the angle of the ramp affect the speed of the marble?

The angle of the ramp will affect the speed of the marble by influencing the force of gravity acting on it. A steeper ramp will result in a greater component of the force of gravity acting to accelerate the marble downhill, increasing its speed. Conversely, a shallower ramp will have a smaller component of the force of gravity acting in the direction of motion, resulting in a slower speed for the marble.

How does a surface affect the speed of a steel marble?

The surface of the steel marble affects its speed by creating friction as it rolls. Rough surfaces create more friction, slowing down the marble, while smooth surfaces reduce friction, allowing the marble to roll faster. Additionally, surfaces with inclines or declines can also impact the speed of the marble due to gravity.

A can rolled down an incline and accelerated at a uniform rate It started from rest a speed of 0 ms and reached the bottom of the incline moving with a speed of 1.8ms state the average speed?

For uniform acceleration the average speed is the initial speed plus the final speed divided by two.

What is the top speed of a v8 supercar?

The fastest they get up to is at the bottom of the Conrod Straight at Bathurst. They top out at about 180mph (300kph) before slamming on for the Chase.