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isoelectric lines!

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Q: What is the flat line on an ecg called?
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What is the flat horizontal line that separates the various waves of the ECG cycle?

its a flat horizontal line separator....

What does a straight line on an ECG represent?

A flat section of line indicates no muscular activity in the heart at that particular instant; a constantly flat line indicates heart failure.

What is a flat line on the ECG tracing of one of the leads is typically caused by?

A loose or disconnected wire.

What is the machine called when your flat lined?

The machine I believe you are referring to is called a "heart monitor" or ECG/EKG (Electro-Cardiogram) monitor and the medical term for "flat lined" is asystole (A-sis-tool-lee).

What is the medical term meaning flat line?

A flat line in cardiology is called asystole.

What irregularity on a ECG would be considered the most severe?

Asystole, AKA "flat line" indicating no electrical conduction within the heart which means the heart if no longer beating.

What is the isoelectric line of the ECG?

An isoelectric line on the electrocardiograph is the base line on an electrocardiogram.

How do you if the ECG machine is working correctly?

It can be tested with something called an ecg simulator.

What term is used to describe the horizontal part of a tracing on an ECG and what does this line indicate?

The horizontal part of a tracing on an ECG is called the baseline. It represents the period when the heart is not actively depolarizing or repolarizing, showing the electrical activity at rest.

What can iron deficiency anemia do to your ecg?

flat t wave in chest leads --- --s.t.

What does it mean if there is no heart beat and a straight line on an ECG?

then there dead

Which line in the ECG should you read?

The main line to read on an ECG is the "QRS complex," which represents the ventricular depolarization. This is the most informative part in determining heart rate, rhythm, and conduction abnormalities.