An isoelectric line on the electrocardiograph is the base line on an electrocardiogram.
isoelectric lines!
Willem Einthoven invented the ECG in 1903. The letters P Q R S T were assigned to the points on the ECG because it was thought that there may be more points in either direction to be found. The letters remained in use out of common practice even after it was determined there were no further points to be labelled.
jewlrey, medications, movement, lead placement, metal buttons,
The atrial repolarization occurs during the QRS complex of the ECG but is obscured by the ventricle depolarization.
A line of best-fit.
isoelectric lines!
st segments
Polarization in an electrocardiogram (ECG) refers to the resting state of the heart's electrical activity, when no electrical impulses are being generated. This is represented by the flat line (isoelectric line) between heartbeats on the ECG tracing.
What is any deviation either up or down from zero to the isoelectric line when taking
more potassium
what does isoelectric line represent
then there dead
The main line to read on an ECG is the "QRS complex," which represents the ventricular depolarization. This is the most informative part in determining heart rate, rhythm, and conduction abnormalities.
its a flat horizontal line separator....
A loose or disconnected wire.
A flat section of line indicates no muscular activity in the heart at that particular instant; a constantly flat line indicates heart failure.