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1/o + 1/i = 1/f

f = (o x i)/(o + i)

f = 11.1 cm (rounded)

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Q: What is the focal length of a concave mirror that forms an image 25 cm from the mirror if the object distance is 20 cm?
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How can a rough value of the focal length of a concave mirror be obtained?

One way to estimate the focal length of a concave mirror is to use the mirror formula: 1/f = 1/do + 1/di, where f is the focal length, do is the object distance, and di is the image distance. By measuring the object distance and the corresponding image distance, you can calculate an approximate value for the focal length of the concave mirror.

Focal length of a concave mirror?

1/object distance + 1/ image distance = 1/focal length

How do you find focal length of concave mirror?

The focal length of a concave mirror can be found by using the mirror formula, which is 1/f = 1/do + 1/di, where f is the focal length, do is the object distance, and di is the image distance. By measuring the object and image distances from the mirror, you can calculate the focal length using this formula.

What is the relationship between object distance image distance and focal length of a concave mirror?

In a concave mirror, the relationship between object distance, image distance, and focal length is described by the mirror formula: 1/f = 1/do + 1/di, where f is the focal length, do is the object distance, and di is the image distance. As the object distance changes, the image distance and focal length will also change accordingly.

Why do images in a concave mirror appear inverted?

Images in a concave mirror appear inverted because the light rays converge at a focal point in front of the mirror, causing the image to be flipped. This is due to the way the mirror reflects and converges the light rays, creating a real, inverted image.

What is the relationship between object distance image distance and focal length of concave mirror?

Sum of reciprocal of object distance and reciprocal of image distance gives the reciprocal of focal length

What will the object distance be equal to when using concave mirror only?

When using a concave mirror, the object distance (distance of the object from the mirror) can vary depending on where the object is placed. If the object is located beyond the focal point of the mirror, the object distance will be positive. If the object is placed between the mirror and the focal point, the object distance will be negative.

What type of reflection formes an image?

A concave mirror forms a real or virtual image, depending on the object's distance from the mirror and the mirror's focal length.

What factor influences the image produced by reflection of an object in a concave mirror?

Distance from the mirror, curvature of the mirror.

What is the Magnification equation for concave mirror?

The magnification equation for a concave mirror is given by the formula: M = - (image distance) / (object distance), where M is the magnification, image distance is the distance from the mirror to the image, and object distance is the distance from the mirror to the object. Negative magnification indicates an inverted image.

The following diagram shows an image formed in a concave mirror.?

A concave mirror is a curved mirror with reflective surface facing inward. It can form both real and virtual images depending on object distance and focal length. The image formed by a concave mirror can be upright or inverted, magnified or diminished, depending on object position relative to the focal point.

Which factor most influences the image produced by reflection of an object in a concave mirror?

distance from mirror