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5 miles per second squared = 8.047 km per second squared (approx) = 8,047 ms2

So a mass of 50 kg, accelerated at 8,047 ms-2 = 402,336 Newtons.

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Q: What is the force of a 50 kg object that accelerates with 5 miles per second squared?
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The force required to accelerate a 200 kg object 15 meters per second squared is what?

Newton's Second Law of Motion states that Force equals the product of mass and acceleration. Thus, the force required to accelerate a 200 kg object 15 meters per second squared equals 200*15. This is equivalent to 300 Newtons.

What is the mass of a hockey puck that accelerates at 50 meters per second squared when a 50-Newton force acts upon it?

F = ma. The math could not be more straightforward. You have F and you have a, so just solve for m.

What force needed to give 500 newtons this acceleration 3.00 plus 3 meters per second squared?

There is some confusion here. 500 newtons IS a force. You don't "give a force an acceleration". You can accelerate an object (which has a mass), but not a force.

Why light and heavier object when fall through vacuum more side by side?

This is because the weight of an object does not affect the acceleration of that object due to gravity. At Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 9.8m/s2, regardless of the mass of the object.What does differ with the mass of the object is the force of gravity. Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. So a one kilogram object will fall with a force of roughly 9.8 meters squared per second squared, or 9.8 Newtons (N). A two kilogram object would fall with a force of about 19.6N (2kg * 9.8m/s2). This is why when -NOT- in a vacuum, items of different mass can fall at different rates. The additional force of the more massive object will better counter the force of friction with the air, allowing it to fall faster even though it's acceleration is the same.

How does height affect the velocity of a falling body?

A falling object accelerates at a rate of 9.8 m/s2. That means that for every second that it is falling, its velocity increases by 9.8 m/s. The higher that the object is falling from, the longer it will have to speed up, thus the higher its velocity upon impact will be. (This is assuming that it does not reach terminal velocity, the velocity at which an object can no longer accelerate because it is travelling so fast that the drag force (air resistance) is equal to the force of gravity.)

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If an object accelerates at 3 meters per second squared when a 10-newton force is applied to it what force would cause this object to accelerate at 6 meters per second squared?

F = ma, so if mass is constant, you need to double the force to double the acceleration. The answer is 20 N.

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What force accelerates an object?

The force that accelerates an object is called net force, which is the total sum of all forces acting on the object. This force causes a change in the object's velocity, resulting in acceleration according to Newton's second law of motion (F=ma).

How does the net force affect the acceleration of the object?

Newton's second law of motion covers this.The net force on an object accelerates the object.

What is the force on a 10 kg object that accelerates at 15.55 m divided by s squared?

The force can be calculated using Newton's second law, F = m*a, where m is the mass of the object (10 kg) and a is the acceleration (15.55 m/s^2). Substituting the values, the force on the object is 155.5 N.

What happens if an unbalanced force is applied to an object?

When an unbalanced force acts on an object, the weight of the object decreases.

What is The point at which air resistance and gravity are balanced so that a falling object no longer accelerates?

Terminal velocity is the point at which air resistance and gravity are balanced so that a falling object no longer accelerates. At this point, the object falls at a constant speed because the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity acting on the object.

What happen when you apply a force on an object in space?

It accelerates as long as the force is applied, and after that it continues at a uniform speed and direction.

What occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of force?

The object accelerates in the direction of the force, following Newton's second law of motion. The acceleration is directly proportional to the force applied, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

When do you say that the force is unbalanced?

When an object accelerates, the force is unbalanced.

What is a measure of the graviational force on an object?

m/s2 (Meters-Per-Second Squared)

When an object ids dropped from a height it accelerates when it fall down name the force which accelerates the object?

That is called gravity.