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If the car begins with zero speed, then

Distance = 1/2 (acceleration) x (time)2

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Q: What is the formula for distance traveled with constant acceleration?
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What is mathematical formula for calculating acceleration?

Acceleration=Speed1-speed2/Distance traveled

Formula for distance traveled?

There is not enough information to answer the question. The answer depends onis the object travelling at constant velocity?is the acceleration constant?If it is an object travelling with constant acceleration, which three of the following four variables are knows: initaial velocity, final velocity, acceleration and time.

What is the formula for speed and acceleration?

The formula for speed is speed = distance / time, where speed is measured in m/s or km/h. The formula for acceleration is acceleration = change in velocity / time taken, where acceleration is measured in m/sĀ².

What is the distance an object travels each second for objects falling under constant acceleration?

For objects falling under constant acceleration (such as gravity), the distance an object travels each second is determined by the formula d = 0.5 * a * t^2, where "d" is the distance, "a" is the acceleration, and "t" is the time in seconds. This means that the distance traveled each second will increase quadratically as time passes.

How do you find the distance given only the initial velocity traveled time and final velocity?

You can use the equation: distance = (initial velocity + final velocity) / 2 * time. This formula assumes constant acceleration.

What is the formula for distance traveled as a function of time when an object is subject to constant acceleration?

d(t)=Vi(t)+((1/2)(a*t^2)) I just can't find anywhere to explain where that 1/2 constant comes from.

What is the formula for distance traveled in acceleration?

If starting from rest, Distance = 1/2 (acceleration) x (time)2 . Otherwise, Distance = 1/2 (initial speed + final speed) x (time)

Formula of uniform motion?

Acceleration = 0 Speed = constant Distance = (speed) x (time)

How does time affect the distance traveled by an object in motion?

Time affects the distance traveled by an object in motion through the formula distance = speed x time. The longer the time, the greater the distance traveled if the speed remains constant. Conversely, if the time is decreased, the distance traveled will also be less if the speed remains constant.

How do you calculate distance traveled with force mass and time?

Distance traveled can be calculated using the formula: distance = 0.5 * acceleration * time^2, where acceleration = force / mass. First, calculate acceleration by dividing the force by the mass, then plug the acceleration value into the formula along with the time to find the distance traveled.

What is the formula for distance traveled?

distance traveled = speed multiplied by time taken.

What is the formula in getting the maximum speed?

The formula to calculate maximum speed is: maximum speed = square root of (2 * acceleration * distance). This formula takes into account the acceleration and distance traveled to determine the maximum velocity attainable.