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If you mean the function keys on the keyboard, they don't have a standard definition. The usage of the keys depends on the specific program. F1 is usually standardized as the help key; the other keys depend on the program you are using.

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Q: What is the function from f1 to f12?
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Function of F1-F12 in AutoCAD?

The F1 function opens the AutoCAD Help window. The F12 key Toggles Dynamic Input on and off when needing it.

Are function keys on a keyboard?

Most keyboards have 12 function keys. F1-F12 (all the keys with the letter 'F' and then a number).

What is the use of F1 to F12?

F1-F12 are often used to quickly access a part of a program, such as F12 opening developer tools in Internet Explorer.

Where is the func key on a Dell desktop computer?

The Function keys should all be on the top. ( F1 to F12 )

Where is the function key on a desktop?

Function keys are located on a keyboard in the top part. It starts from F1 and ends by F12. Some keyboards don't have function keys.

What does f1 through f12 mean?

They are function keys. Each software manufacturer can program each application to respond to the function keys in whatever way they choose. Many different developers often use certain function keys for the same thing. For example, F1 almost always opens an application's help file.

Where is the action key on a laptop keyboard?

The action key on a laptop keyboard is usually located to the bottom left corner of the keyboard. It allows the user to use the Function Keys (F1...F12).

What are keys f1 through f12 for?

These are function keys that allow you to perform generic functions in many different programs. For example, F5 will refresh the page in Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The function keys (F1 - F12) are basically shortcuts, which can be used to perform a task quicker on a computer. For example: If you wanted to quickly refresh a website, then you can press F5. If you wanted to view the web developer source code (Something useful for website developers), then you can press F12. These shortcuts will also work for different programs, depending on the configuration (settings) that are applied or set up.

What is the main used of F1 to F12 in the keyboard?

There maain used in games for extra control, f1 brings up a help window when using google chrome.

What is the f1 function?

F1 function isto helpand is the support center

What is the function of the functions keys?

The function keys are the top row of keys on the keyboard, normally labelled F1-F12.By themselves they have no function - they are 'blank' spare keys meant for programs that want a place to put various keyboard shortcuts.That is, the function of the function keys is not determined by the keys but by the program using them, and could be anything or nothing.

What is the function of F12 in MS-WORD?

F12 will do a Save As in Microsoft Word. In combination with other keys, it can do other things: Shift-F12 will do a Save. Ctrl-Shift-F12 will print the document.