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Q: What is the function of the horizontal and vertical scales on the mechanical stage?
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What is required for every graph?

A vertical and a horizontal scales are needed.

What is the function of the horizontal and vertical scales on a microscope?

The horizontal and vertical scales are used to help determine the size of the objects that you are seeing in the microscope. They are nothing more than a yard stick, very small, laid next to something else that is very small. A scale is just a scale. The microscope is just a confuser.

What are the horizontal and vertical scales on a graph called?

y and x axis

What kind of graph do you use for time?

Most graphs use two scales: a horizontal scale and a vertical scale. What is on the scales depends on what the graph is to be used for. For example: the vertical scale could show distance travelled, while the horizontal scale could show the time.

What is 2-D surface on which we can plot points with two scales x and y axis?

It is the Cartesian plane that has an horizontal x axis and a vertical y axis on which co-ordinates of x and y are plotted on it.

What are the type of map scales?

Linear, ratio, and vertical

How do you make a line plot using fractions?

A line plot can be made using fractions. Just use fractions rather than whole numbers or other data to mark the scales of the horizontal axis and vertical axis

How do you draw a log graph?

You can get semi-log or log-log graph paper. In the first, the horizontal axis is linear while the vertical axis has a logarithmic scale. You can always use the paper sideways so that the horizontal is logarithmic and the vertical linear. The second type has both axes with logarithmic scales. Alternatively, you calculate the appropriate values and plot the results using the usual Cartesian coordinate system.

What is the function of a scales on a mushroom?


What is the function of scales?

help the fish breathe

What is a double beam?

It's a type of mechanical scales used for accurate measurements.

What is the function of Ctenoid Scales in a fish?

scales are found in the majority of bony fishes the arrangement of over lapping scales give the fish greater flexibility...:))