It is: 46
742/105 = 7 remainder 7 1162/105 = 11 remainder 7
The number is 25.
A remainder of zero is obtained whenever the number is divided by its factor. For example, when 20 is divided by either 1,2,4,5,10 or 20 the remainder is zero. Every number has 1 as its divisor.Infact, this is the definition of divisor- a number which divides another number to return zero as the remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
It is: 46
742/105 = 7 remainder 7 1162/105 = 11 remainder 7
... is a "factor" of the given number.
There is no such number. 1675 - 6 = 1669 which is a prime. As a result, the only number that can divide it is 1 and 1669 itself. However, 1 not only divides 1669 but it also divides 1675. That is, 1 does not leave a remainder of 6 when dividing 1675.
The number is 25.
The largest cube is 23 = 8 which divides 72 with a remainder of 0.
A remainder of zero is obtained whenever the number is divided by its factor. For example, when 20 is divided by either 1,2,4,5,10 or 20 the remainder is zero. Every number has 1 as its divisor.Infact, this is the definition of divisor- a number which divides another number to return zero as the remainder.
As 16 divides equally by 2 without leaving a remainder, it is indeed an even number.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.