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80 feet

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Q: What is the greatest perimeter of a rectanglewith an area of 39 square feet?
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What is the greatest area of a rectangle with a perimeter of 400 yards?

The greatest area is 10000 square yards.

Which rectangle has the greatest area for a fixed perimeter?

The greatest area for a fixed perimeter will be when all the sides are equal or when the rectangle approaches the shape of a square.

What is the type of rectangle with the greatest area for a given perimeter?

The square is.

What is the name of the parallelogram having the greatest area for a given perimeter?

A square.

Which quadrilateral will give you the greatest area for the least perimeter?

A square will. The only shape that can enclose more area with the same perimeter is a circle.

What are the dimensions of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 16cm and has the greatest possible area?

The greatest area that a rectangle can have is, in fact, attained when it is a square. A square with perimeter of 16 cm must have sides of 4 cm and so an area of 4*4 = 16 cm2.

What is the length and width of a garden if it has the greatest possible area?

For a given perimeter, its a square.

Why does the greatest area equal the greatest perimeter?

Because area is a function of perimeter.

How could you find the measuements of the frame with a 16 inch perimeter and the greatest possible area?

For any perimeter, the rectangle with the greatest area is a square.For a 16-inch perimeter, the greatest rectangular area is 16 square inches,inside a square with 4-inch sides.But if you don't necessarily need straight sides, then you can squeeze more areainside the same perimeter with a circle. A circle with a 16-inch circumference has anarea of 20.372 square inches.

What is the greatest possible area for perimeter rectangle of 36 ft?

81 square feet.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 26 units. What is the greatest possible area of the rectangle in square units?

42 square units.

A square has an area of 400 what is the perimeter?

A square with an area of 400 square units has a perimeter of 80 units.