If the number is even and the sum of its digits is divisible by nine then the number is divisible by 18.
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
It is, but not evenly. You get a number with digits after the decimal point.
Add the digits of the number. If that total is divisible by nine, so is the original number. Example: 12,345,678 The digits total 36. 36 is divisible by 9. So is 12,345,678.
Nope - To be divisible by nine, the sum of the digits must also be divisible by 9 (the digits total 21). Additionally, since it's an odd number - it cannot be divided by 6 !
The sum of the digits of the number will add to a number that's divisible by nine. For example, 99 -> 9+9 -> 18. 18 is divisible by nine, thus 99 is. Any whole number that's divisible by nine will have its digits add up like this, and any whole number whose digits add up like this will be divisible by nine.
If the number is even and the sum of its digits is divisible by nine then the number is divisible by 18.
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
It is, but not evenly. You get a number with digits after the decimal point.
Add the digits of the number. If that total is divisible by nine, so is the original number. Example: 12,345,678 The digits total 36. 36 is divisible by 9. So is 12,345,678.
Add the digits of the number. If that total is divisible by nine, so is the original number. Example: 12,345,678 The digits total 36. 36 is divisible by 9. So is 12,345,678.
Nope - To be divisible by nine, the sum of the digits must also be divisible by 9 (the digits total 21). Additionally, since it's an odd number - it cannot be divided by 6 !
If a numbers digits add up to a number that is divisible by nine, the number is divisible by nine. Example~ 486 4+8+6=18 Since 18 is divisible by 9, 486 is divisible by 9. 561 5+6+1=12. 561 isn't divisible by 9.
If all the digits in a number add up to a number divisible by three, the number itself is divisible by three.For example the number 711: 7 + 1 + 1 = 9. Nine is divisible by three, therefore 711 is divisible by three.
Yes, to test for divisible by 9: add the digits together [2+3+4+0=9]. If the sum equals nine, or a number divisible by nine, then the original number is divisible by nine. Example: 4752; 4+7+5+2 = 18, which is divisible by 9. If you're not sure, 1+8=9. You can always keep adding the digits together, and eventually you'll be left with a single digit number. If the sum is equal to 9, then the original number is divisible by 9.