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It is the x axis.

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Q: What is the horizontal number line which helps to form the coordinate system?
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How do you graph y 2?

Well first you need to have x coordinate. Lets say x=0 and y=2, y is the line that is vertical and x is the line that is horizontal. Now you can remember this by over and out. First you do is the x coordinate which is 0. So you move left and/or right 0 times. If its a positive number then you move right on the x line and if its negative number you move left on the x line. But the number 0 is not a negative or positive number so you just keep the number 0 in the middle of the graph. Do not make a mark where the 0 coordinate was supposed to go. Just try to remember where the coordinate is supposed to go. Now its time to do the y coordinate which is 2. So you move up and/or down 2 times. If its a positive number then you move up on the y line and if its a negative number then you move down on the y line. The number 2 is a positive number and goes on the y line so you move up 2 times. So remember where the x coordinate was? Put your pencil there and move up 2. That's how you graph y=2. Hope it helps!

How do you find the y-intercept with coordinates?

The y-intercept is the second number in the coordinate. For example, if you have (7, 4) then 4 is the y-intercept. Hope this helps!

What do the x mean on a line plot?

Line plot - a graph that uses a number line and symbols to represent data

How do you find the midpoint given the endpoints?

It is really simple. A follow the steps below: 1) Add up your X1 AND X2 from both endpoints and divide by two. This will be your X coordinate for the midpoint. 2) Add up your Y1 + Y2. Divide it by two. This will be your Y coordinate for the endpoint. Hope this helps :)

Which organ system helps your body to sence things around it?

The organ or bodily system that helps your body to sense things around it is the nervous system. It does this by taking direction from receptor cells.

Related questions

What is the vertical number line which helps to form the coordinate system?

The vertical number line which helpd to form the coordinate plane

What other body system also helps to coordinate various body functions?

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The WorkFlows system is a great management system. It is a software that helps organize, administer, coordinate, and define different business processes.

What help to control and co-ordinate processes in your body?

Of course the brain and the whole nervous system helps to coordinate the body.

What system works closely with the endocrine system to coordinate body functions?

The nervous system works closely with the endocrine system to coordinate body functions.

What organ of the endocrines system helps regulate and coordinate body systems?

Endocrine Glands they produce a chemical message called hormones.

What is the importance of longitude and latitude in your daily lives?

what is the importance of the Reactangular Coordinate System in our lives.

How do you graph y 2?

Well first you need to have x coordinate. Lets say x=0 and y=2, y is the line that is vertical and x is the line that is horizontal. Now you can remember this by over and out. First you do is the x coordinate which is 0. So you move left and/or right 0 times. If its a positive number then you move right on the x line and if its negative number you move left on the x line. But the number 0 is not a negative or positive number so you just keep the number 0 in the middle of the graph. Do not make a mark where the 0 coordinate was supposed to go. Just try to remember where the coordinate is supposed to go. Now its time to do the y coordinate which is 2. So you move up and/or down 2 times. If its a positive number then you move up on the y line and if its a negative number then you move down on the y line. The number 2 is a positive number and goes on the y line so you move up 2 times. So remember where the x coordinate was? Put your pencil there and move up 2. That's how you graph y=2. Hope it helps!

What is Geografic address?

A geographic address is a specific location on Earth identified by a combination of details such as street name, house or building number, city, state, and postal code. It helps to accurately pinpoint a place for navigation, mail delivery, and other purposes.

What helps to coordinate and smooth skeletal muscles?


What is the system for specifying the precise location of objects in space and time?

The system for specifying the precise location of objects in space and time is called the coordinate system. It uses coordinates, such as latitude and longitude on Earth or x, y, and z in three-dimensional space, to pinpoint the exact position of an object at a given moment. This system helps in navigation, mapping, and understanding the physical relationships between objects.

How do you find the y-intercept with coordinates?

The y-intercept is the second number in the coordinate. For example, if you have (7, 4) then 4 is the y-intercept. Hope this helps!