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The vertical number line which helpd to form the coordinate plane

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Q: What is the vertical number line which helps to form the coordinate system?
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How do you graph y 2?

Well first you need to have x coordinate. Lets say x=0 and y=2, y is the line that is vertical and x is the line that is horizontal. Now you can remember this by over and out. First you do is the x coordinate which is 0. So you move left and/or right 0 times. If its a positive number then you move right on the x line and if its negative number you move left on the x line. But the number 0 is not a negative or positive number so you just keep the number 0 in the middle of the graph. Do not make a mark where the 0 coordinate was supposed to go. Just try to remember where the coordinate is supposed to go. Now its time to do the y coordinate which is 2. So you move up and/or down 2 times. If its a positive number then you move up on the y line and if its a negative number then you move down on the y line. The number 2 is a positive number and goes on the y line so you move up 2 times. So remember where the x coordinate was? Put your pencil there and move up 2. That's how you graph y=2. Hope it helps!

What is the definition of vertical stabilizer?

A vertical or horizontal stabilizer helps the plane to be balanced

How do you find the y-intercept with coordinates?

The y-intercept is the second number in the coordinate. For example, if you have (7, 4) then 4 is the y-intercept. Hope this helps!