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Q: What is the idenity element for multiplication?
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What is the identity of element of multiplication?

There is no such thing as an "identity of element". The identity element of multiplication, on the other hand, is the number 1.

What is an elements idenity based upon?

An element's identity is based on the number of protons in its nucleus, which determines its atomic number. Each element has a unique number of protons, which distinguishes it from other elements on the periodic table.

What is the identity element for multiplication?

An identity element is an element of a set which leaves other elements unchanged when combined with them. For multiplication, the identity element is 1 .

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What statement is an example of the Identity Property of Multiplication?

1 is the identity element of multiplication.

Why is 0 not a identity element for multiplication?

An Identity element in multiplication is one that when you multiply a value by the identity element, that the original value is returned. The only identity element in multiplication is 1. If you multiply any value (other than infinity which is a special case of mathematics), the value returned will be 0. The identity element for addition is 0.

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What is known as the identity element for multiplication?


How are the identity properties of multiplication and addition different?

To start with, the identity element of multiplication is 1, that of addition is 0.

Is zero the identity number for multiplication?

No. Zero is the identity element of addition. One is the identity element of multiplication. That means that adding zero, or multiplying by one, doesn't change the number.

Is 1 the identity element or a whole number?

1 is a whole number. It is the identity element with respect to multiplication but not addition.

What property is 5 plus 0 equals 5?

this is the identity property of addition. 5 + 0 = 5 the 5 gets his idenity back the identity property of multiplication is 1 becuase 1 x 5 = 5