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The independent variables are the milk and water, while the dependent variables are the plants, because they don't change.

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Q: What is the independent and dependent variables when you water plants with milk or water?
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What are dependent and independent variables in an observational study?

The independent variable is the factor in an investigation that the scientist is changing. The dependent variable is the factor which is measured. All other variables, factors which could affect the experiment, are controlled, or kept the same. For example, in an experiment to find out how light intensity affects bean plant growth, the independent variable would be the intensity of the light. The dependent variable would be the amount the plants grew. The controlled variables would be things like the temperature, the acidity of the soil, the amount of water given, the amount of CO2 in the air; in short, anything that could affect the results.

The effect of Gatorade VS water on seventh graders pulse rates while exercising what are the dependent and independent variables of this exeperiment?

Independent . . . what substance the 7th grader drinks Depoendent . . . his pulse rate

What are the independent and dependent variables in a small size bottle of water cost 1.99 and a large size bottle of water cost 3.49?

Either- and most people are ignorant of this fact. If your study is about how the size of the bottle affects the price, then the independent variable is the size of the bottle and the dependent is the price. However, if your study is to determine how the price that you pay affects the size of the bottle, the independent variable is the amount of money and the dependent is the bottle size.

What are the dependent and independent variable in what is the water cycle?

independent variable is the water i dont know

How are dependent and independent variables used in an experiment?

An independent variable is the variable that was changed. The dependant is what was measured. Eg. If you filled 3 cups of water - one with 1/4 of a cup, one with half a cup and one with 3/4 of a cup. Then you grab a spoon to find the highest note, then the amount of water is the independent variable and the sound is the dependant.

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What is a dependnt variable?

A dependent variable is the outcome or response that is measured in an experiment or study. It is the variable that is affected by changes in other variables, known as independent variables. The dependent variable is what researchers are trying to understand or predict.

What do dependent and independent variables represent in science?

In science, independent variables are variables that you control the change of, to see how somethings changes as a result of changing these variables. Dependent variables are variables that change because the independent variables are changed, but you don't change directly. A good example of this would be an experiment where you're measing how cold a glass of water gets after putting in different amounts of ice in it and wating 5 minutes. The independant variable would be the amount of ice you put into each glass, because that's what you're directly changing. The dependent variable is how cold each glass gets, because that's the result you're trying to see by changing the independent variable - it changes because something else changes. Additionally, when graphing, independent variables are put on the x-axis (horizontal line), and dependent variables are put on the y-axis (vertical line).

What are the controls and variables for Seperating salt from water?

I dont know about the control but the independent variable is the amount of salt water and the dependent variable is the amount of water and salt rendered.

What is a dependent or an independent variable?

An independent variable is something that you can change in your experiment. A dependent variable is something that changes depending on what your independent variable is. Example: You have two plants. You water one every day and you water the other one every other day to see how fast they'll grow. Your independent variable is water, because you can change how much you give to the plant. Your dependent variable are the plants, because they'll change depending on how much water you give them.

What are dependent and independent variables in an observational study?

The independent variable is the factor in an investigation that the scientist is changing. The dependent variable is the factor which is measured. All other variables, factors which could affect the experiment, are controlled, or kept the same. For example, in an experiment to find out how light intensity affects bean plant growth, the independent variable would be the intensity of the light. The dependent variable would be the amount the plants grew. The controlled variables would be things like the temperature, the acidity of the soil, the amount of water given, the amount of CO2 in the air; in short, anything that could affect the results.

Things that may change during a experiment are called?

'Variables' are any factors that can be controlled, changed or measured. There are two types: the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable is the condition that you change and the dependent variable is what you are observing. So if you are trying to measure the effect of water on plant growth the water would be the independent variable and the plant growth would be the dependent variable.

What is the independent variable on graphs?

The independent variable is typically plotted on the x-axis of a graph. It is the variable that is controlled or manipulated by the experimenter and is used to determine its effect on the dependent variable.

What are the independent and dependent variables of adding salt water to boiling water?

The quantity of salt added to water is under your control and it will change the boiling point of water,i,e. the temperature of water. So quantity of salt is an independent variable while the temperature of water is dependent variable, when other factors are kept constant.

Is water a variable?

It can be, it depends on your experiment. Independent variables are the variables in an experiment that will not change. If you want to do an experiment that tests how something reacts with water, then starting with a clean controlled water sample for each test would be necessary and an independent variable. Conversely, if you were testing the cleanliness of multiple water sources, then the ideology of clean water would be your dependent variable, which would change upon each testing. WIth your given information I cannot say whether or not you would want water to be either a dependent or an independent variable for your experiment.

The effect of Gatorade VS water on seventh graders pulse rates while exercising what are the dependent and independent variables of this exeperiment?

Independent . . . what substance the 7th grader drinks Depoendent . . . his pulse rate

What are the independent and dependent variables in a small size bottle of water cost 1.99 and a large size bottle of water cost 3.49?

Either- and most people are ignorant of this fact. If your study is about how the size of the bottle affects the price, then the independent variable is the size of the bottle and the dependent is the price. However, if your study is to determine how the price that you pay affects the size of the bottle, the independent variable is the amount of money and the dependent is the bottle size.

What are the dependent and independent variable in what is the water cycle?

independent variable is the water i dont know