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A graduated cylinder is typically used to measure the mass of a liquid. One could also multiply the density and volume of liquid in order to find the mass.

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Q: What is the instrument for measuring the mass of a liquid?
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What are the instrument use in measuring for liquid?

measuring jug! kettle

What instrument is used when measuring mass?

A scale

What instrument will find liquid volume?

A measuring cup.

How is measuring the the mass of a solid different from measuring the mass of a liquid?

Measuring the mass of a solid usually involves using a balance or a scale to directly weigh the object. In contrast, measuring the mass of a liquid involves first weighing a container, then adding the liquid and weighing the container again to determine the difference in mass, which gives the mass of the liquid.

What are the instrument used in measuring mass?

a scale

What instrument will use to find liquid volume?

A measuring cylinder

How measuring The mass of a solid is different from measuring the mass of a liquid Explain?

Measuring the mass of a solid involves using a balance scale to weigh the solid directly, while measuring the mass of a liquid typically involves using a container to hold the liquid and then weighing the container with the liquid inside. Liquids can take the shape of their container, so the mass of the container needs to be accounted for in the measurement.

What is an albuminimeter?

An albuminiter is an instrument for measuring the amount of albumen present in a liquid.

How is the volume of a liquid calculated?

The volume of a liquid can be calculated by measuring the dimensions of the container it is in (length, width, and height) and multiplying these measurements together. Alternatively, you can use a graduated cylinder or a measuring cup with volume markers to directly measure the volume of the liquid.

What instrument measures liquid?

The volume of a liquid can be measured by any instrument with specific label of liters/millileter (most standard).Some items that can do this (in chemistry) are the beaker, the erlenmeyer flask, and for the most accuracy- the graduated cylinder.The mass of a liquid (labelled in grams) can be found by measuring the mass of the liquid's container, the mass of the container with the liquid inside of it, and then subtracting the difference using a triple beam balance:Mass of container and liquid combined - mass of container = mass of liquidThe density of a liquid can be found by dividing the liquid's mass by it's volume (labeled in grams per square milliliter).A beakerA measuring jug.

What unit of measurement is used for measuring liquid mass and length?

Liquid mass is measured in grams/kilograms. A liquid cannot have a length.

What is the instrument used to find density?

A common instrument used to find density is a hydrometer, which measures the density of liquids by comparing the buoyancy of the liquid to a reference liquid. Another instrument is a densitometer, which uses various methods to determine the density of a substance, such as measuring the mass and volume of an object.