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There is no number you (or anyone) can think of that someone else can't think of one greater. There is no largest. Numbers don't stop.

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Q: What is the largest number before infinity?
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Can you determine the largest number?

The largest number possible is infinity

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Is infinity the largest number?

infinity means never ending so the answer is no. :)

Is infinity not the largest number?

Actually Infinity is the Largest number. I knew that because Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story says, "Infinity Unbeyond!" and infinity means non stop; never ending; unbeyond that point!

World's largest number under infinity?

There is no largest number under infinity because what ever the highest number is, one can always be added to it, making the new number the highest number.

What is the number right before infinity?

There is no number right before infinity. One could say that the number before infinity is "infinity minus one", but you cannot use normal subtraction with infinity. Infinity - 1 is still mathematically defined as infinity, as is Infinity + 1. Perhaps the question is referring to the largest number with its own name (other than infinity, which, as previously stated, is not technically a number). A googol is often cited as this number. A googol is defined to be a 1 with a hundred zeroes after it. Alternatively, a googolplex might qualify for the title of largest number with its own name, being a 1 with a googol zeroes after it. A couple of quick side notes are in order here: There are not a googolplex atoms in the visible universe. It is an extremely big number. The search engine company Google named their company after a googol, because of vast amount of information that they process and organize.

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What is the largest number yet?

It is infinity which has no ending

What is the difference between 20 and infinity?

The difference is infinity. Infinity is the concept of the largest possible number. Even if you take 20 away the number will still be infinity.

Is negative infinity the largest or smallest number?

Negative infinity is the LEAST number. The smallest number is 'zero(0)' for Nothing. Positive infinity is the GREATEST number .