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What does "no digit may be composite" mean, that all the digits have to be prime numbers?

If so, then 9 is composite, and 8 is composite, but 7 is prime, so the (trivial) answer is 777777. Any other number meeting the criteria given is smaller.

This is so glaringly obvious that I can't help thinking you meant something else. You might want to ask again, but be more specific next time.

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Q: What is the largest six digit number no digit may be composite?
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"Composite" means that the number has smaller factors; "prime" means that it doesn't. Look at the last digit. If the digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, the number is divisible by 2. If the last digit is 0 or 5, the number is divisible by 5. If it none of those, the number may still have additional factors; but checking for this last digit can often quickly give you an answer.

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The largest number with no repeated digits is 9,876,543,210 although it is 10 digits long, the largest 3 digit number with no repeated digits is 987

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789634........i'm pretty sure the answer is 477560????? i may be wrong

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That depends a lot on how often you may repeat each digit, and what operations are allowed. If you just want to write a four-digit number, using each digit once, start by writing the largest digit on the left, then continue with the second-largest, etc.

When dividing a 3 digit number?

Any time. There are no restrictions on when you may or may not divide a 3-digit number!

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A number cannot be simultaneously prime and composite. You may be thinking of the only prime number which is even, which is 2.

Do you always get a prime number when you rivers a two digit prime number?

No, and you do not even if you reverse them.

When a composite number is divided by 9 then is its quotient prime?

May not be, The quotient may or may not be prime.

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A multiple is a number that may be divided by another number with no remainder. Therefore, 90 is the largest two-digit multiple of 10, because 10x9 = 90, or 90 divided by 10 =9.

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Any number may be added

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A 17-digit number is typically referred to as a "seventeen-digit number." In mathematics, it would be classified as a whole number or an integer with 17 digits. In computing, a 17-digit number may be represented as a data type such as a long integer or a double-precision floating-point number.

Is 328 composite or prime?

That '8' at the end reveals it to be an even number. Therefore, '2' is a factor, and the number is composite. There may be more factors, but all we need is one in order to say that it's not prime.