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The decimal that shows the most place value.

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Q: What is the leading decimal in a decimal?
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Identify the leading digit of the decimal and then round to the leading digit. 0.00693

What is the leading digit in a decimal?


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How do you solve 0.009 times 0.051?

Ignoring the decimal points, multiply them as if they were whole numbers (ignoring any leading zeros)Put the decimal point into the answer by counting how many digits in total were after the decimal points in the multiplication and put the same number after the decimal point in the answer (inserting leading zeros if necessary).0.009 bx 0.051 → 9 x 51 = 459 (ignoring the leading zeros)There are 3 + 3 = 6 digits after the decimal points (009 and 051), so 6 digits after the decimal point in the answer: 0.000459 (inserting 3 leading zeros)

What is the leading digit in a decimal less than 1?


The leading digit in a decimal number?

The leading digit in a number is the digit to the most left. EXAMPLES: 1.09 the leading digit is 1. 298 leading digit 2.

Why use a leading zero for decimal numbers for instance -0.723?

Only to draw attention to the decimal point which might, otherwise, be missed.

What is the leading digit?

A leading digit is the digit/number at the beggining of a decimal number or regular number and is the first number to the left.

How many significant digits does 0.00100 have?

three, leading zeros are not significant and trailing zeros are significant if there is a decimal. trailing zeros are not significant if there is no decimal zeros in the middle of numbers are significant

How many significant figures does 0.50 have?

0.50 has two significant figures, the 5 and the trailing 0 after the decimal point. The leading zero before the decimal point is not significant.

What is the scientific notation for 0.0000000007?

Move 10 decimal places to the right to get: 7 x 10-10 The exponent is negative since the leading nonzero digit takes place 10 decimal places on the right of the decimal places

In significant figures which zeros are not considered significant?

Leading zeros and trailing zeros in numbers that don't have a decimal point.