A leading digit is the digit/number at the beggining of a decimal number or regular number and is the first number to the left.
The leading digit in a number is the digit to the most left. EXAMPLES: 1.09 the leading digit is 1. 298 leading digit 2.
It is the leading digit.
It is the first or leftmost digit: 4.
The leading digit in a number is the digit to the most left. EXAMPLES: 1.09 the leading digit is 1. 298 leading digit 2.
Identify the leading digit of the decimal and then round to the leading digit. 0.00693
The leading digit would be 3
the leading digit
It is the leading digit.
A Leading Digit it just the first digit of a number EX) 56495397- 5 3757993572- 3 2345678987654345678- 2
it is the first digit in a number. Like in 586, 5 would be the leading digit. EX:546---5435345324-----4234572893495702834759238475902384759028374590238475902348752983475----2543729088888888888888888888888023984444444444457293488750293857290384572304759823475932847592043752934857239845------------------------------------5
It is the first or leftmost digit: 4.