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Q: What is the least number of bits needed to express 3?
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What is the least number of bits to express 12?

Four bits are required to write '12' as a binary number.(12)10 = ( 1 1 0 0 )2

How many minimum number of bits that are needed to address 2000 locations?

11 bits. 211 = 2048

How may bits are needed to represent the decimal number 200?

log2 200 = ln 200 ÷ ln 2 = 7.6... → need 8 bits. If a signed number is being stored, then 9 bits would be needed as one would be needed to indicate the sign of the number.

How many binary bits are needed to represent decimal number 21?


In a class A how many subnet bits are needed to make at least 365 useable hosts or subnets?

You would need at least 9 bits to borrow. Since 8 bits gives only 255 the additional bit will get you 256. Adding 256 + 128 gives you at least 384 subnets or hosts.

What is bit depth?

There are a number of different depths for a number of different bits. The depth needed depends on the project.

How many bits are needed to represent 18 symbols?

18 in binary is 10010 Since 18 can't be written in term of 2 to the power x, the number of bits needed is 5. The answer is 5

How many bits are needed for the program counter and the instruction register?

24 bits are needed for the program counter. Assuming the instructions are 32 bits, then 32 bits are needed for the instruction register.

How many bits would be needed to represent a 45 character set?

45 in binary is 101101, so you need at least 6 bits to represent 45 characters.

Sixteen-bit messages are transmitted using a Hamming code How many check bits are needed to ensure that the receiver can detect and correct single bit errors Show the bit pattern transmitted for the?

BY USING FORMULA (M+R+1)<=2r 011110110011001110101 ---- The formula d + p + 1 <= 2^p (where d is the number of data bits and p is the number of check bits) indicates that we need at least 5 check bits in order to correct single-bit errors in blocks of 16 data bits -- a (21,16) code. SECDED requires 6 check bits for blocks of 16 data bits.

What is a compression?

Packing a lot of meaning into a small space

How many bits are needed to represent decimal 200?

8 bits if unsigned, 9 bits if signed