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The arcs are 59.31 cm and 3.49 cm.

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Q: What is the length of the arc on a circle with radius 10 cm intercepted by a 20 and deg angle Use 3.14 for and pi .?
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How do you find the degree measure of a central angle in a circle if both the radius and the length of the intercepted arc are known?

-- Circumference of the circle = (pi) x (radius) -- length of the intercepted arc/circumference = degree measure of the central angle/360 degrees

What is the length of the arc intercepted on a circle of radius 14 cm by the arms of a central angle of 45?

Length of arc = angle (in radians)*radius = (pi/4)*14 = 10.996 cm

How do you work out the circumference of a circle using radius?

The formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle and π is 3.1415926535890793 - usually shorted to either 3.1416 or 3.14 So that the circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 units is 62.83 units There are pi radians in a half of a circle. Thus, the measure of a central angle which is a straight line is pi radians. We have a formula that show that the length of an intercepted arc is equal to the product of the angle in radians that intercepts that arc, with the length of the radius of the circle. So we can say that the length of a semicircle is (pi)(r). In a full circle are 2pi radians. So the length of intercepted arc from a central angle with measure 2pi is 2(pi)(r).

In a 130 inch diameter circle what is the length of the arc intercepted by a central angle of 115 degrees?

Length of arc: 115/360 times (130pi) = 130.5 inches rounded

What is the formula of a central angle of a circle?

Central angle of a circle is the same as the measure of the intercepted arc. davids1: more importantly the formulae for a central angle is π=pi, R=radius Central Angle= Arc Length x 180 / π x R

Find the length of the arc on a circle of radius r equals 16 inches intercepted by a central angle 0 theta equals 60 degrees?

The length of an arc on a circle of radius 16, with an arc angle of 60 degrees is about 16.8.The circumference of the circle is 2 pi r, or about 100.5. 60 degrees of a circle is one sixth of the circle, so the arc is one sixth of 100.5, or 16.8.

What is the length of an arc of a circle?

The length of an arc of a circle refers to the product of the central angle and the radius of the circle.

A central angle of a circle of radius 30 cm intercepts an arc of 6 cm Express the central angle in radians and in degrees?

A central angle is measured by its intercepted arc. Let's denote the length of the intercepted arc with s, and the length of the radius r. So, s = 6 cm and r = 30 cm. When a central angle intercepts an arc whose length measure equals the length measure of the radius of the circle, this central angle has a measure 1 radian. To find the angle in our problem we use the following relationship: measure of an angle in radians = (length of the intercepted arc)/(length of the radius) measure of our angle = s/r = 6/30 = 1/5 radians. Now, we need to convert this measure angle in radians to degrees. Since pi radians = 180 degrees, then 1 radians = 180/pi degrees, so: 1/5 radians = (1/5)(180/pi) degrees = 36/pi degrees, or approximate to 11.5 degrees.

How do you find the central angle of a circle if I am given the arc length and radius?

(arc length / (radius * 2 * pi)) * 360 = angle

What is the general rule for establishing the correct length of the arc?

The length of an arc of a circle is the radius times the angle (in radians). So a full circle is an angle of 2*pi radians, and the circumference of a circle is 2*pi*radius. A half circle is pi*radius. Quarter circle is (pi/2)*radius, etc.

How do you find radius of a circle if given arc length?

you will need to know the angle subtended by the arc; arc length = radius x angle in radians