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7*sqrt(2) = 9.899 to 3 dp

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Q: What is the length of the line y equals 8 -x that meets the curve of y equals x squared plus 4x plus 2 at two distinctive points?
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Points of intersection work out as: (3, 4) and (-1, -2)

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Equations: x2+2x-7 = 17-3x Quadratic equation: x2+5x-24 = 0 Points of intersection: (-8, 41) and (3, 8) Length of line: (-8-3)2+(41-8)2 = 1210 and the square root of this is the length of the line which is about 34.78505426 or to be exact it is 11 times the square root of 10.

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The line of y = 5x+10 intersects with the curve of y = x2+4 at (6, 40) and (-1, 5) Length of the line is the square root of: (6--1)2+(40-5)2 = 7 times sq rt of 26 or 35.693 to three decimal places

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It works out exactly as: 7 times the square root of 26

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The points of intersection of the equations 4y^2 -3x^2 = 1 and x -2 = 1 are at (0, -1/2) and (-1, -1)

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They work out as: (-3, 1) and (2, -14)

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Straight line: 3x-y = 5 Curved parabola: 2x^2 +y^2 = 129 Points of intersection works out as: (52/11, 101/11) and (-2, -11)

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The points are (-1/3, 5/3) and (8, 3).Another Answer:-The x coordinates work out as -1/3 and 8Substituting the x values into the equations the points are at (-1/3, 13/9) and (8, 157)

What is y equals x squared?

it will form a parabola on the graph with the vertex at point (0,0) and points at (1,1), (-1,1), (2,4), (-2,4)......

How do you explain the length of line segment using Pythagoras theorem?

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