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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. And using ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2).

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Q: What is the line of symmetry for y equals -3x2 12x - 11?
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What is the line of symmetry for the graph of y equals -3x2 plus 12x - 11?


3x2 plus 12x equals -1?

3x2 + 12x = - 1 ie 3x2 + 12x + 1 = 0 has no rational roots. The irrational roots are [-12 +/- sqrt(132)]/6 = -3.915 and -0.085

What is the equation for the axis of symmetry of the quadratic function f(x) 3x2 12x - 2?

It is x = +/- 2 depending on whether the second term in the equation is -12x or +12x.

What is the line of symmetry for the parabola whose equation is y equals 3x2 plus 24x - 1?

Vertical line of symmetry cuts through x = -4 - (sqrt of 3)

What is the x intercept for y equals -3x2 plus 12x-9?

1 and 3

What would the graph of y equals -3x2-12x-13 look like?

an upside down parabola

What is the line of symmetry and the vertex when y equals 3x squared plus 2x minus 1?

y = 3x2+2x-1 Line of symmetry: x = -1/3 Vertex coordinate: (-1/3, -4/3)

What is the discriminant of the equation -3x square - 12x plus 7 equals 8?

The equation is equivalent to: -3x2 - 12x - 1 = 0 [you could change signs to get 3x2 + 12x + 1 = 0 but that is not required] The discriminant is (-12)2 - 4*(-3)(-1) = 144 - 12 = 132

What is the GCF of 24x and 36x3?

GCF = 12x.24x = 2(12x)36x3 = 3x2(12x)

3x2 - 4x equals -2?

Given, 3x2 - 4x = -2 Then, 9x2 - 12x = -6; 9x2 - 12x + 4 = -2 {completing the square} ; 3x - 2 = ±i√2 {sq rt of both sides} ; and 3x = 2 ± i√2. Therefore, x = ⅓(2 ± i√2).

How do you find the vertex of the parabola given by y equals -3x2 plus 12x-1?

-3x2+12x-1 = y Solve the quadratic equation when y = 0 by means of the quadratic equation formula which gives x values of 3.914854216 and 0.085145784. Add these values together and divide them by 2 which is 4/2 = 2 and this is the line symmetry of the parabola. Substitute 2 for x into the original equation to find the value of y: So the vertex is at (2, 11) Remember that the parabola has a maximum value because the coefficient of x2 is negative in other words it will face downwards.

How can you tell if a equation is conditional inconsistent or identity?

3x2 -12x+24=-10x-20-3x2+6