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The modern Routemaster bus in London has a mass of 12.65 tonnes.

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Q: What is the mass of a large bus?
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Is the momentum of a large bus greater than less than that of a small car traveling at the same speed?

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The linear momentum of a truck would be greater than that of a bus if the truck has a larger mass or is moving at a higher velocity compared to the bus. Linear momentum is directly proportional to the mass and velocity of an object.

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How many seats on a coach bus?

Depends. It can range from 25-56 Depends on how large the bus is

How do you define a bus?

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How far can you park from a bus stop in mass?

20 feet

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The bus filled with fuel and people would have more momentum than the small car, as momentum is mass multiplied by velocity. The bus has more mass due to the fuel and people inside, even if they are both traveling at the same speed.