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Q: What is the max range of a 240?
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The maximum current will depend on the voltage of the power supply. For a supply at 240 volts, the max current will be 15000/240 = 62.5 amps. For a supply at 110 volts, the max current will be 15000/110 = 136.36amps to two significant figures.

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What is the max range of 357 mag 180 gr bullets 7 barrel?

Max range is about 1000 meters. Max EFFECCTIVE range is around 75-100 meters.

What is the max range of a 300 short mag rifle?

Max range (with no accuracy) is about 4.5 miles. Max EFFECTIVE range will depend on the specific rifle, but is typically 600-800 meters.

What function would you use to find the largest value in a range of cells?

In Excel, you can use the max() function. You can type a range (or several ranges) within the max() function. For a single range, just type: =max( and select the desired range, then type the closing parenthesis.

What is max range for 7.62 x 39 bullet?

The max EFFECTIVE range is between 300 and 400 meters, depending on WHICH rifle is firing it. Total range is about 1350 meters.

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Max effective range against a point target, about 600 yds. Max range about 2000 yds.

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The max temp is somewhere around 240 or 250. Just stay under or around 210 and you should be fine.

Can the interquartile range be greater than the range?

No, since range is max-min and IQR is Q3-Q1. Q1 must be greater than the max and Q3 must be less than the min.

How far will a 7.62 round travel from a ak-47 rifle?

Maximum total range, 2300 meters. Max lethal range, 1500 meters. Max EFFECTIVE range- 350 meters