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Q: What is the maximum length of an extension ladder?
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What ladder type offers the greatest length in general purpose ladders?

Extension Ladder

What is a triple extension ladder used for?

An extension ladder is a great tool to have. The ladder can be used in its collapsed state for shorter jobs, such as changing an outdoor lightbulb, or can be used in its extended state for higher jobs, such as cleaning out gutters.

What features make a loft ladder different from an extension ladder?

A loft ladder is typically shorter and designed for accessing smaller spaces like an attic or loft, with a folding design that saves space when not in use. Extension ladders, on the other hand, are longer and can be extended to reach higher places like rooftops or windows, with rungs that are typically wider for more stability when climbing.

A 32 foot extension ladder is leaning against a building making an angle of elevation of 80 degrees how high up the side of the building does the ladder extend?


What is the tallest ladder one can get for home use?

A forty foot extension ladder is generally the largest you can find. The top of the ladder really only hits 37 feet, and obviously, you'd be standing below that at about the 30 foot mark. That's about 3 stories. The maximum height ladder is basically the biggest ladder that is available to the home owner. Generally a 40 foot ladder is the largest available for a reasonable price. This ladder is tall enough to meet most home owners needs.

The base of a ladder is 7 feet away from the wall The top of the ladder is 19 feet from the floor Find the length of the ladder to the nearest thousandth?

Using Pythagoras' theorem the length of the ladder is 20.248 feet

The top of a ladder must extend how many feet above the surface a worker is climbing onto?

From the US OSHA Construction standards:1926.1053(b)(1)When portable ladders are used for access to an upper landing surface, the ladder side rails shall extend at least 3 feet (.9 m) above the upper landing surface to which the ladder is used to gain access; or, when such an extension is not possible because of the ladder's length, then the ladder shall be secured at its top to a rigid support that will not deflect, and a grasping device, such as a grabrail, shall be provided to assist employees in mounting and dismounting the ladder. In no case shall the extension be such that ladder deflection under a load would, by itself, cause the ladder to slip off its support.

Formula for extension?

The formula for extension (lengthening) of a material under tensile stress is given by: Extension = Original Length x Strain = Original Length x (Final Length - Original Length) / Original Length. It represents the change in length of a material when subjected to a stretching force.

Which type of ladder is a non self supporting has one section and has a fixed length which is determined by the length of the side of the rails?

step ladder

A ladder is leaning against a building so that the distance from the ground to the top of the ladder is one foot less than the length of the ladder. Find the length of the ladder if the distance from the bottom of the ladder to the building is 5 feet?

A. 11 feet B. 13 C. 12 D. 14.

What is the minimum length of a ladder required to access a roof surface 12 feet off the ground?

You should normally have three rungs(steps) past the surface you are climbing to from the ladder. They are a foot apart on most ladders so 15 feet would be close. Add a foot since you have to angle the ladder appropriately(scope) so 16 feet or longer is safe. A 20 foot extension ladder would be a good choice.

A safety regulation states that a maximum angle of elevation for a rescue ladder is 72if a fire department's longest ladder is 110 feet what is the maximum safe rescue height?

96.6 ft