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big pressure comes from smaller surface areas therefore we need to find a side of the block with the smallest surface area. if you do 1m x 2m, that equals 2m squared and that is a large surface area. if you do 2m x 0.5, that equals 1m squared and that is STILL not small enough. HOWEVER if you do 0.5 x 1, that equals 0.5m squared and that is perfectly small enough.

since pressure=force divided by area, we have to do 26000 (which is the force) divided by 0.5m squared which becomes 52000. therefore the final answer is 52,000 pascals.

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Q: What is the maximum pressure a concrete block measuring 0.5m x 1m x 2m which has a weight of 26000 newtons can exert on the ground?
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