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Q: What is the meaning of 1 uppercase character?
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What is the uppercase character?

A is an uppercase character... Unless you mean to look for an "uppercase 1." In that case, there is no actual uppercase 1 or lowercase 1. 1 is just 1. If you want to switch it up though, you could use "I" (the Roman Numeral for 1) or its lowercase equivalent "i."

What is 1 uppercase character?

An uppercase character is a letter that is written in its larger form, such as "A" instead of "a". These characters are often used at the beginning of sentences or for proper nouns.

What it mean when people said the password should contain at least 1 uppercase character?

i need help

What is the mathematical symbol for sum?

A uppercase greek character sigma (Σ).

What is the word capital?

money ***************************** Could also mean: the main city of a country - London, UK; a capital idea, meaning a good or excellent idea; an uppercase character such as ABC, etc.

What is that mean of the password should contains at least 1 uppercase character?

At least one letter/number of the password you choose must be capital: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

What least 8 alphanumeric characters with at least one uppercase letter as well?


Write a program to initialize a character and print whether it is uppercase lowercase or special character in java module 1?

I'll just write a function to do that, I hope the good people won't try to run it as it is.... void function() { char c = 'a'; if( c >= 'a' && c <='z' ) System.out.println("LowerCase"); else if( c>='A' && c <='Z' ) System.out.println("UpperCase"); else System.out.println("Special Character"); }