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Q: What is the measure of most typical scores in a set of data?
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When most scores in a data set are toward one end of the range of scores?

Scewed data set

What is the term for when most scores in a data set are toward one end of the range of scores?

This is known as a skewed data set.

What is the value that is not typical of most other values in a data set?

The value that is not typical of most other values in a data set is an Outlier.

Which measure of central tendency is the most accurate measure of data?

That depends on the data.

What is the typical value of a data table?

Most often used piece of data

What do you call it when there are two modal scores in one set?

When there are two modal scores in a set of data, it is called a bimodal distribution. This means that there are two values that occur most frequently in the data set.

What is the mode used as a measure of central tendency?

It is the data value that is observed most often.It is the data value that is observed most often.It is the data value that is observed most often.It is the data value that is observed most often.

In a study on test scores at different schools which is most clearly a categorical data?

because it shows how much you learned threw out the year

In a study on test scores at different schools which of the following is most clearly an example of categorical data?

Name of the school

Uses of t-score and z-score in the classroom?

Z scores are used for standardized testing done by most school districts. It is the most common way of standardizing data. IQ scores can be standardized using z scores. The mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. You use the t score when the sample is small, <30 often. Many behavior ratings use t scores.

What is the most frequently occurring value of a data is a measure of?

It is the mode, which is sometimes introduced, along with the mean and median as a measure of "central tendency".

Which measure of central tendency represents the numbers that appear most often in a set of data?

The mode.