It is the data value that is observed most often.
It is the data value that is observed most often.
It is the data value that is observed most often.
It is the data value that is observed most often.
Central tendency is used with bidmodal distribution. This measure if dispersion is similar to the median of a set of data.?æ
Mathematical term for average is usually arithmetic MEAN. Actually any measure of central tendency like mean , median and mode could be used in common language as the average.
The median.
In fact, there are usually several measures of central tendency used: each of them is a median but these are calculated separately for men, for women, for boys, girls, toddlers and babies.
Mean, Median, and Mode
The mean.
The three commonly used measures of central tendency are the mean, the median, and the mode. They are different ways of describing a "typical" member of the population.
They are measures of central tendency and are used to to give a summary measure for some set of observations.
Central tendency is important because it is used to calculate an average on a collection of data. Central Tendency includes the mean, median, and mode.
The mean.
The answer is outlier
The mode is the value with the most data. Unfortunately it tells you nothing about the rest of the distribution. The mean and median provide more useful information in most situations.
When there aren't extreme values (outliers)