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Q: What is the name given to the sequence to this sequence of numbers 1-123-458-1321?
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What name is given to this sequence 11235813?

It is called a Fibonacci number sequence! 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...

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What is the maths name for a sequence where you get the next answer by added the two numbers before?

That'd be the Fibonnaci sequence (this time without the wikipedia URL :P)

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There weren't any numbers given below.

What was Fibonacci's famous mathematical invention?

Fibonacci is most famous for his description of the number sequence, which in the 19th century was given the name 'Fibonacci numbers' . The sequence is made by starting with two ones, and adding them up, then to make every new term, the previous two terms need to be added together.

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There is no specific name of such stars. In stellar models they are given the classification of O-type main sequence stars.

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