The front one is called a hamstring and the back is called the quads.
daughter is 17 and has red line on her upper thighs in the front of both legs. She has gain some weight but not that much. I don't see it as stretchmarks because I have stretch marks and they don't look the same. Please help Toni
No Man's Land is the name of the space between the two sides front lines.
I'm currently watching these video to grow my booty and to have a toned thighs. Search on @Buildyourbody03 on youtube
The quadriceps muscles are found in the front of your thighs.
The front one is called a hamstring and the back is called the quads.
your quads (thighs)
if you ever have big thighs the way how to do it is to do knee crunches
muscle reduce in size when you dont use them.
You can make your thighs and legs skinner without gaining any muscle by running long distance
It doesn't. It tones your thighs, calves and butt and builds muscle and strength.
whats the slowest muscle in the human body
If your thighs are 26 inches, its hard to say whether that is to big. It would depend on your height and muscle mass.
The main musle for a ballerina is the thighs and also the mind.