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There are many species of dove that have this behavior. The doves that are being hunted are likely Mourning, White-Winged, or Eurasian Collared Doves.

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Q: What is the name of the pigeon that lives in Mexico and pretends to fall but rights itself before hitting the ground?
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If you fall off a great height do you die before you hit the ground?

There are theories that many people, particularly those with a bad heart, die before hitting the ground due to the shock and terror of the fall itself, although this is really difficult to determine since it is impossible to predecit the exact second a person dies (whether they die just before impact from a heart attack, or the impact itself).

A child drops a ball from a window. The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds. What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

A child drops a ball from a window. The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds. What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

Does heart stop before hit ground when falling?

No. Only if you have a heart condition and time to contemplate your predicament.

You visit the Grand Canyon and drop a quarter off the edge of a cliff. The quarter falls 16 feet the first second, 48 feet the next second, 80 feet the third second, and so on. If the quarter fell 9 seconds before hitting the ground, how far down is it?

an=a1+(n-1)dan=16+(6-1)32=176The 6th term is 176. Now we are ready to find the sum:

Why the rainbow is semi circle in shape?

Actually it is circular but usually the sun needs to be quite low in the sky for the angle of the sunbeams hitting the raindrops to be suitable to create a rainbow visible from the ground. But, when that happens, a part of the rainbow is cut-off by the horizon and so it appears semicircular. Full circles are rare but have been seen/photographed.

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What is Rain droplets that freeze before hitting the ground called?

Snow, sleet or hail,

When was Hitting the Ground created?

Hitting the Ground was created on 2002-08-13.

Can a golf ball burn up before hitting ground flying through your atmosphere?

I'm not exactly sure but I think it can be cause if a rock the size of a basketball (a meteor) is falling through the atmosphere it burns up before hitting the ground so i think a golf ball will.

Compare and contrast sleet and hail?

Sleet is snow that melts in the sky and re-freezes before hitting the ground as ice pellets and Freezing rain is snow that melts into water and doesn't re-freeze before hitting the ground...but the ground temperature is below 32 degrees, so the rain will freeze on contact causing a glaze of ice.

What do you call precipitation that evaporates before hitting the ground?

That is called virga. Virga occurs when rain or snow falls from a cloud but evaporates due to dry air before reaching the ground.

How do you hit a cricket ball for six?

By hitting the ball over the boundary without the ball touching the ground before hand. If the ball touches the ground before the boundary but goes over it, it scores four.

What is a unassisted ground out in baseball?

In baseball, a ground out is an out in which a batter hits a ball on the ground and one of the Infielders catches it before it hits the ground and a ground out can also be an instance of a batter hitting a ball in which an Infielder fields a baseball and then throws to another Infielder in order to record an out as long as the batted baseball was hit on the ground.

How do bits of rock form mountains?

Through the volcanic expulsion of highly viscous magma that solidifies before hitting the ground.

How would you spell a stick hitting the ground sound?

The sound of a stick hitting the ground is often spelled as "thud" or "whack."

What is the hole in the ground caused by a meteor hitting the planet?

Impact crater is one term for the hole in the ground caused by a meteor hitting the planet.

Light is faster than sound Why you see a ball hit before you hear it?

Because the light traveled faster then the sound of it hitting the ground.

What happens when you release a ball from a height at rest?

It will fall with increasing velocity due to gravity and reach the peak velocity just before hitting the ground.