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-2 - +3 = -5

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Q: What is the negative two minus positive three?
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What is two minus negative three?

Two (2) minus negative three (-3) is five (5). When you subtract a negative number it is the same as adding a positive number of the same absolute value.

What is negative twelve minus negative three?

-12 - (-3) Two negatives equal a positive. So, -12 + 3 = -9

How can you use subtraction to complete an addition problem?

Treat the "plus positive X" as "minus negative X". Example: Positive two plus positive two equals positive four. Positive two minus negative two equals positive four.

What does positive 2 minus negative two equal?

positive 4

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What is negative two minus positive four?


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-2 minus 8 is -10.

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2 minus -19 is 21.

What is negative minus a positive?

You get a positive subtracted number. A negative minus a positive number will always give a negative answer. And the answer will be more negative than either of the two numbers.

What is two minus negative 1?

3. positive 3

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What is a negative minus a negative?

A negative minus a negative turns the latter into a plus positive,for example -6 minus -3 would be :-6 ++ 3 = -3A minus negative always turns into a plus positive...To get more Specific:Suppose x and y are two POSITIVE numbers so that -x and -y are negative. Then a negative minus a negative = (-x) - (-y) = -x +yIf x > y the answer is negativeIf x = y the answer is zeroIf x < y the answer is positive