

Best Answer

One possibility is -2, -7 and -16.

These are based on fitting the cubic rule:

Un = (-n3 + 10n2 - 39n + 62)/4 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

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Q: What is the next three terms in sequence 8 4 2 .5?
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The pattern looks like the previous number is multiplied by -3, hence the next number in the sequence would be (-54) x (-3) = 162

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They are: 10 and 16

Why did Fibonacci find his sequence so interesing?

because you add the first 2 terms and the next tern was the the sum of the first 2 terms.

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The first thing to notice is that all the numbers in the sequence are square numbers. 25=5x5 36=6x6 49=7x7 64=8x8 81=9x9 So the next three numbers to be squared are 10, 11 and 12. 10x10=100 11x11=121 12x12=144 Thus, the next three numbers in the sequence are 100, 121, 144 The equation for the sequence is (n+4)2

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Consecutive terms in the sequence are being divided by -2. Therefore, -1 / -2 = 1/2 or 0.5.

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Each number is 3 times the previous number so they would be 162, 486, and 1,458.

What sequence is 9 2 2 4 6 10?

Ignoring the "9" , then this is a Fibonacci sequence. 2,2,4,6,10 The first two terms are 'seed' terms then successive terms equal the sum of the two previous terms. 2 + 2 = 4 2 + 4 = 6 4 + 6 = 10 The next term would be 6 + 10 = 16.