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Q: What is the normal value for PvO2?
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What is the normal PO2 and PCO2 in mixed venous blood returning to the lungs?

PvO2 = 40mm Hg, PvCO2 = 46mmHg

How do you calculate oxygen content with SVO2 and PVO2?

Oxygen content can be calculated using the formula: Oxygen Content (mL/dL) = (SVO2 - PVO2) * Hb * 1.34, where SVO2 is the mixed venous oxygen saturation, PVO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen in the venous blood, and Hb is the hemoglobin concentration in g/dL. This formula takes into account the oxygen saturation levels in the blood as well as the hemoglobin concentration.

What is the difference between vo2 max and pvo2 max?

VO2 max refers to the maximum rate of oxygen consumption during intense exercise, indicating cardiovascular fitness. PVO2 max, on the other hand, stands for peak oxygen uptake and usually refers to the highest oxygen consumption a person can achieve, typically during a specific test or activity. Both measures assess aerobic capacity.

What is the normal value of SGOT?

SGOT normal value is 15-37.

What is the normal mcv value for men?

Normal MCV value for women

What is the value for normal blood pressure?

The value of normal blood preasure is 120/80.

What is the expected value of the standard normal distribution equal to?

The expected value of the standard normal distribution is equal to the total amount of the value. It is usually equal to it when the value works out to be the same.

What is the different between standard normal distribution and normal distribution?

A normal distribution can have any value for its mean and any positive value for its variance. A standard normal distribution has mean 0 and variance 1.

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