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It consists of 98 triangles and has 4850 diagonals

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Q: What is the number of diagonls which can be drawn by joining the angular points of a polygon of 100 sides?
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How many lines of symmetry does a polygon has?

A polygon need not have any lines of symmetry. The maximum number of lines of symmetry is attained if the polygon is regular; and this is the number of sides (or vertices) of the polygon. If a regular polygon has an even number of sides, then the lines of symmetry are those joining opposite vertices, and those joining the mid-points of opposite sides. If the polygon has an odd number of sides/vertices, the lines of symmetry are those joining each vertex to the mid-point of the opposite side.

What is the formula in identifying the number of triangle in a polygon?

You can have an infinite number of triangles in a polygon, it would really depend on the size of the triangles you are trying to fit in.If on the other hand you mean that triangles are made by joining the point of the polygon to make triangles then it's the number of sides minus two.-n(sides)-2

What happens to a polygon as the number of sides increases?

if the sides of the polygon are equal in length and the angles of the joining sides are equal in degrees then the polygon will become more circular. Compare a 4 sided square to an 8 sided octogon (stop sign shape)

How do you find the number of sides in a regular polygon when all you have is the measure of the exterior angles?

Each exterior angle of a regular polygon with n sides has the angular measure of 360 degrees/(n - 2). A polygon has the same number of sides as angles, so that the total angular measure S of all the exterior angles will be 360 n/(n - 2); S(n - 2) = 360 n; nS - 2S = 360 n; n(S - 360) = 2S; n = (2S)/(S - 360).

In which maximum angular nodes are present?

For an s orbital, there are no angular nodes. For a p orbital, there is 1 angular node. For a d orbital, there are 2 angular nodes. The maximum number of angular nodes is given by n-1, where n is the principal quantum number of the orbital.

How does the number of vertices of a polygon compare to the number of sides of the same polygon?

They are equal.

What is the polygon that has the most number of sides?

Technically, a polygon can have an unlimited number of sides.

How many types of polygon you have?

A polygon is a shape with multiple sides. There are an infinite number of polygons, as the polygon is classified by the number of sides.

How many diagonal can be drawn from a regular hexagon from one vertex?

5 diagonals * * * * * That is not correct since two of these would be lines joining the vertex to adjacent vertices (one on either side). These are sides of the polygon, not diagonals. The number of diagonals from any vertex of a polygon with n sides is n-3.

What kinds of polygon are there?

Polygons are named after the number of sides which range upwards from 3 - without limit. They may be regular (if all their sides are congruent AND all their angles are as well) or irregular. They may be convex (a line joining any two points on the boundary of the polygon is wholly inside the boundary) or concave.

How can a circle be a polygon?

A circle can be a polygon. Sometimes a circle can be a polygon that has infinite number of sides.

What is a polygon with an unknown number of sides called?

A polygon with an unknown number of sides is called a n-gon. The letter "N" in n-gon stands for unknown.