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Q: What is the number of distinct arrangements of the letters of the word UGCCSIR so that U and you cannot come together?
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What is the number of distinct arrangements of the letters of the word ugccsir so that you and i cannot come together?

from itertools import permutationsfrom string import joinarrangements = [ ]for p in permutations ( 'ugccsir', 6 ) :arrangement = join ( p, '' )if 'ui' in arrangement :continueif not arrangement in arrangements :arrangements . append ( arrangement )print len ( arrangements )The above Python code gives a result of 2,220.

How many distinct arrangements can be made with the letters in the word banana?

There are 6!/(3!*2!) = 60 arrangements.

How many distinct ordered arrangements can be made with the letters of mississippi?

There are 34650 distinct orders.There are 34650 distinct orders.There are 34650 distinct orders.There are 34650 distinct orders.

How many distinct arrangements can be made with the letters in the word BOXING?

The number of distinct arrangements of the letters of the word BOXING is the same as the number of permutations of 6 things taken 6 at a time. This is 6 factorial, which is 720. Since there are no duplicated letters in the word, there is no need to divide by any factor.

How many distinct arrangements can be made with the letters in the word surprising?

Take note of the word "surprising":There are 10 letters total.There are 2 r's.There are 2 i'sThere are 2 s's.There are 10! total ways to arrange the letters. Since repetition is not allowed for the arrangements, we need to divide the total number of arrangements by 2!2!2! Therefore, you should get 10!/(2!2!2!) distinct arrangements

How many distinct three letter arrangements can be found from the letters in mathematics?

The number of different three letter arrangements that can be done from theletters in the word "mathematics"is; 11P3 =11!/(11-3)! =990

How many arrangements can be made with the letters spineless?

The word "spineless" has 9 letters, including 3 s's and 2 e's, so the number of distinct permutations of the letters is: 9!/(3!2!) = 30,240

How many different ways can you arrange the letters in a six letter word?

If all the letters are unique in the set, there are 6 choices for the first letter, 5 for the second letter, 4 for the third letter, etc. This results in 6 X 5 X 4 X 3 X 2 = 720 arrangements. If some of the six letters are duplicated, there will be fewer distinct arrangements.

How many different 5 letter arrangements can be formed from the letters in the word Danny?

The number of 5 letter arrangements of the letters in the word DANNY is the same as the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time, which is 120. However, since the letter N is repeated once, the number of distinct permutations is one half of that, or 60.

How many two letter arrangements can be made using the letters from PARK?

There are 12 two letter arrangements of the letters in PARK.

How many arrangements of the letters in the word SCHOOLS are there?

The number of permutations of the letters in the word SCHOOLS is the number of permutations of 7 things taken 7 at a time, which is 5040. However, since two of the letters, S and O, are duplicated, the number of distinct permutations is one fourth of that, or 1260.

How many ways are there to arrange the letters in ALABAMA and put four A together?

If the four letters "A" are to be together, "AAAA", then it's like having four differentletters; AAAA, L, B, M.The number of different arrangements (permutations) of the 7 letters in the word"ALABAMA" putting the four As together are;4! =4x3x2x1 =24