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Q: What is the number you multiply both the length and width to get a similar face?
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What number do you multiply both the length and width to get a similar figure?

Multiply both the length and width by the samenumber to get a similar figure.It doesn't matter what the number is.

How do you find the volume of a text book with given length width and height?

First you will multiply the length times the width. Once you get the answer to that you then multiply that number by the height

Find the area of a square?

multiply the length by the width(a.k.a the length by the height).

How do you do area with width height and length?

You multiply the width or length by the the height.

Finding the volume of a cube?

Multiply the Length by the Width by the Height. Measure one edge. Cube the number.

When you do area do you add or multiply?

you multiply length times width and if its a triangle you multiply length times width and divide by two or cut in half (:

How do you find area when length is given?

Find the width, and multiply the length and the width.

Does width plus length equal the area of a room?

no length multiply by width

How do you find and area?

area is length times width. Multiply the top number times the side number.

How do you find the area of a square and a rectangle?

Multiply the length and width to find the area of both a rectangle and square.

How do you determine if rectangles are Simular?

If the 'ratio' (length/width) of one rectangle is the same number as (length/width) of the other one, then the two rectangles are similar.

How can you calculate the maximum number of people for boats less than 20 ft. in length?

Multiply boat length (in feet) by boat width (in feet), then divide by 15.